• What does your tongue say about your health? Our oral health is an early and important indicator for many serious conditions that may develop throughout the body. According to the Mayo Clinic, oral health might contribute to conditions such as: Endocarditis Cardiovascular Disease Pregnancy and Birth Complications Pneumonia Many of these conditions are thought to be [...]

  • Here at BOCO Dental & Prosthodontics, we are passionate about preventative care. The earlier you start taking care of your smile, the more likely you will be to have a healthy mouth long term. But when should that preventative care start? Primary Dental Care & First Dental Visits for Children The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) [...]

  • At BOCO Dental and Prosthodontics, we are dedicated to adopting climate initiatives and do our best to be as green as possible. We have been paying close attention to the Climate Strike and UN Climate Action Summit, and know that the time to take action to fight against climate change is now! Therefore, we are [...]

  • Should you have your wisdom teeth removed? It’s summer! And summer break in a dental office means a lot of conversation about wisdom teeth. Most importantly, if or when wisdom teeth should come out. Our wisdom teeth, aka, 3rd molars, are the last to come in. They usually erupt between ages 17-25 and are the [...]

  • Is there such a thing as nutrition for teeth? Yes, we can eat to prevent cavities, tooth decay, and optimize oral health. Paying attention to your diet — what you eat and how often — is critical to preventative oral care. Certain foods leave more of a lasting and negative impact on your teeth. Acidic and [...]